Joy & Beauty, Bounty & Abundance (# 3)
October 4, 2023
We're in a warm snap in Massachusetts. But, Autumn is certainly here. October is a glorious time, but it is also an emotionally complex time: for me, and many Traditions around the world, the glory of the season centers on the Mysteries of Death, seen as the coming season of Winter.
The seeds planted either last fall, or this past spring, have burst forth from their pods, sprouted, grown, bore flower and fruit, withered, and are falling off the vine now. The cycle of birth, growth, fullness, repose, death…and rebirth. But, for now, it’s Death that is celebrated as a Great Mystery, one of many in life. My own UU minister often says “may I meet death with courage and curiosity,” which I love.
Here in New England, the trees are changing so beautifully, in their reds, yellows, and oranges, because their leaves are dying. And, they will shed their leaves completely and remain bare until spring (except for evergreens; but this is not their story; not today).
The First Fruits were harvested in August, the apples, the grains, the blackberries and blueberries. Then the pit-fruits were harvested in September, the peaches, the plums, along with the corn. Then came the hearty vegetables, the tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. And, now, the Final Harvests of Samhain and Thanksgiving (one to celebrate the Dead, the other to celebrate the Living), with gourds, pumpkins, and squash.
The corn reached high as our hopes.
The grains ripened as our projects, goals, and successes.
Another year’s sweat, time, and energy, produces the harvest, the fruits of our efforts, works, projects, and labors, delicious and nourishing.
It is said that, in the Eleusian Mysteries, a single stalk of wheat,
From root to ear (the seed head),
Was laid upon a platter,
And placed amid Initiates,
Who sat in quiet contemplation of the wheat.
Sometimes the Mysteries are so simple they can be missed.
Some time when you have a few minutes to yourself,
Take an apple,
Turn it upon its side,
So that the stem/core is running horizontal to you,
And then cut the apple in half right down the middle to reveal the star of seeds.
Behold the Mystery.
Everything you need is right before your eyes (of potatoes) and ears (of corn).
I hope that you are seeing the Harvest of your own projects, dreams, and desires. Whatever it was you decided to do or accomplish this year. I hope you take stock of what you have, and realize you've either completed a long-wanted goal, or you're much closer to doing so than at the start of the year. I hope you see the magic of the season play out in your own life, in joy and beauty, and bounty and abundance.
May the fruit of your successes bear the seeds of many more dreams, adventures, and successes to come.
May It Be So.