Map and Compass

[established Sept 2022]

Providing Insights, Tools, and Practices, that help individuals and businesses navigate towards, and arrive at, their most desired goals.


I call my system of value-oriented goal achievement “Map & Compass.”

The Map is the terrain of your life; what you wish to do for a career; who you choose to spend your time with as friends, colleagues, or romantic partners; where you decide to live; what hobbies and activities you focus on during your free time; how you connect to the world around you.

The Compass is YOU! The Compass is your values! Our values are the compass by which we navigate the world. They determine what we gravitate towards, and what repels us. They determine the company we keep, what type of work we do, how we spend our time, energy, attention, money, etc.

Orienting yourself to your own values is what gives you the clear vantage to pursue and accomplish your goals.

If we ever feel lost or off-track (a very human condition to feel. It happens to all of us!), then what is needed is a re-orientation towards our values. This will be the guiding star, the thing that snaps our compass into proper goal-alignment and gets us back on track.