Dominique Pierre Batiste, Ph.D.

I am an anthropologist, educator, scholar, mentor, writer, magic-maker, and agent of cultural change.

My work in the world is informed by a firm belief in the inherent worth, value, and dignity, of all living things, and a faith in the transformational power of Beloved Community. I know, first-hand, the strength and healing that arises when people consciously choose to intimately know one another, be responsible to and for one another, and share a common ethos, in the form of goals, values, and ethics.

I am always curious and interested in an exploration of the unique relationships people have with their environments, whether that be people or places. My work and methodologies can manifest as intensely political, without being couched in terms of political activism, because my world-view centers squarely upon the values of Justice, Equity, and Compassion. My insights engage with and contribute to affect studies, anthropology, history, sociology, psychology, religious and spiritual studies, new materialism, and cultural geography. With over 15 years’ experience in research and cultural analysis, I see reality through the lens of co-assemblages, sets of daily practices that only in and of themselves produce the world—a worlding that emerges, in which human and non-human forces and forms coalesce, are given value, and intensified through orientations, attachments, and attunements.

When I work with people, I create an environment in which people feel supported and comfortable to express themselves freely, to be heard and understood, and to be their best selves. From this space, I help people achieve greater clarity around their passions and purpose; tackle specific problems more effectively; learn to be fully present; improve goal-setting and develop action plans; increase productivity; enhance self-awareness; provide accountability; and challenge their thinking, assumptions, and beliefs about the world and their place in it.